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App Library

Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has a free and fantastic source of digital healthcare support that is available to all of our staff and service users.


App Library


It is an app library website, hosted by ORCHA (The Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Applications), which gives the public access to thousands of apps which have been independently reviewed to provide assurance around their safety, quality and to ensure they are up to date. There are apps for many health conditions. Each app review gives a breakdown of key assessment criteria. Apps can be downloaded via the website.


Digital health is revolutionising health and care services, forming a crucial step on the road to care that is more efficient and patient-centred. With thousands of health and care apps available, and 85% falling below quality thresholds, service users and healthcare staff need tools to help them find the right digital solutions for their needs.


Please use the website to find out about the strengths and weaknesses of an app before downloading apps or recommending them to service users if you are a healthcare professional.