Assessing the feasibility of the i-KNOW preventative intervention programme for individuals at clinical-high risk for challenging behaviour
Principal Investigator: Dr Joanna Garstang
Project Type: Non-commercial portfolio
Project site status: Open
Project site date open to recruitment: 03/08/2022
Project site planned recruitment end date: 31/12/2023
Challenging behaviours such as self injury, aggression and destruction of property occur at a very high rate in children with intellectual disability and both prevalence and severity increase with age in childhood. In addition to deleterious outcomes for individuals, challenging behaviour is associated with higher parental stress, staff burnout and significant financial cost to health and welfare providers. The i-KNOW study aims to target caregivers of children at moderate or clinical high risk of developing challenging behaviour and through intervention increase caregiver knowledge and self efficacy in responding to their child's behaviour. The i-KNOW Study builds from the work of the previous i-RISC Study. This work developed a clinical algorithm to identify those at moderate and clinical high risk of developing challenging behaviour. The i-RISC study demonstrated excellent engagement from healthcare professionals and good feasibility and flow of recruitment in the NHS. Evaluation of feasibility, flow and retention of individuals from risk stratification through the i-KNOW intervention is required. This is the primary aim of the I-KNOW feasibility Study. Drug Utilisation Study on the Risk Minimisation Tools for Sialanar