We are always looking for new clinical and non-clinical staff members to become Principal Investigators (PI’s) and Chief Investigators (CI’s) to lead local research programmes or project leads in Innovation projects. Did you know that there are a series of short free online courses? You could for example learn how to keep the site files, how to support the finances or search for grants on behalf of your researchers and be responsible for archiving. There is also support available from the R&I team to become involved in research and innovation. If interested contact R&I on bchc.ri-info@nhs.net
Clinician Research Opportunities
If you are thinking about doing research as a clinician and wondering about pathways to a clinical academic career, or maybe you would just like to improve your research skills, simply go to the table below and have a look at which opportunities might be suitable for you. Once you know which might be suitable please click the button for the excel file at the bottom, where you will find further information about each of the opportunities. We have tried to provide as much information as possible but it is always best to go to the link provided for the latest update, as information can go out of date quite quickly. Don’t worry if you have missed the boat for this year, some of the opportunities come around annually so look out for the call next year or perhaps spend the year preparing your application! If you would like further help or just to have an informal chat, please contact Rachel Manning rachel.manning5@nhs.net or Theresa Powell theresa.powell1@nhs.net
Download the Clinical Academic Pathway on Excel.
Healthcare Professionals in Research Facebook group
The Healthcare Professionals in Research (HPiR) Facebook group was set up by Dr Janet Deane using the funding she won during her PhD at ICL. She has created a community of over 600 members across healthcare that aim to improve their research knowledge in various areas (engineering, bioengineering, physiology, neurology etc.) The group provides a safe space for members to encourage, support and share to inspire each other with the hashtag, #supportshareinspire. The site is regulated by multidisciplinary Doctor Community managers who monitor admissions and the group is closed, meaning everyone must be NMAHP Predoctoral, Doctoral or Postdoctoral researcher. This allows for it to be a fantastic resource, and due to a large number of members, any questions or queries are responded to very quickly. If you are an eligible member and would like to join the group, Healthcare Professionals Group: Your hub for connection and growth..
Creating and Applying Evidence Module at UOB
The University of Birmingham is running a module on creating and applying evidence, focusing on the following: different types of clinical evidence, refining your clinical question, CATs, exploring the quality of evidence and an introduction to research methods. Any non-medical registered healthcare professionals delivering NHS-commissioned services are eligible. Please click the buttons below to see further information and fill in the application form if you are interested.
MS Teams staff research support forum
For BCHC staff interested in engaging in research and/or innovation projects, there is MS Teams research support forum available. This is a forum for; asking others for views and advice about projects, networking with others doing similar topics/methodologies and seeking volunteers for practical help for projects. To join, please click the button below. Please note: this is a forum for researchers and is not monitored by the R&I team so if you have a query for the R&I team, please go to them directly.