In conversation with health visitors and women: talking about domestic abuse. Analysing experience through a feminist lens.


Principal Investigator:   Donna  Freeman

Project Type:   Non-commercial non-portfolio

Project site status: Open

Project site date open to recruitment:   03/02/2023

Project site planned recruitment end date:   15/12/2023


Domestic abuse is considered a serious public health issue nationally and across the world, it remains a gendered issue, affecting more women than men. Health visitors have been identified as best placed to address domestic abuse with women due to the universal service they deliver to families with young children. This will study will explore the perspectives of health visitors, and women who are pregnant and/or have a child(ren) under the age of 5 years, who have experienced domestic abuse. This research will aim to give both professionals and woman the opportunity to speak their truth about their experiences of domestic abuse, and how the health visiting service can better support families experiencing domestic abuse. The study will explore the perspectives of both health visitor and woman, any differing perceptions of support and intervention delivered by the health visiting service and discuss the achievable and/or wanted outcomes from both samples. Qualitative methods will be utilised and undertaken through semi-structured interviews, with the emergence of key themes through reflexive thematic analysis. Transcranial direct current stimulation to improve motor function in children with cerebral palsy: a pilot study

Planned end date

29 Sep 2024 09:00