Multisite registry of medication related osteonecrosis patients


Principal Investigator: Prof Thomas Dietrich

Project Type:   Non-commercial non-portfolio

Project site status: Open

Project site date open to recruitment:   24/11/2022

Project site planned recruitment end date:   09/01/2027


The population base will be patients who present with MRONJ (Medication related osteonecrosis of the jaws) to specialist secondary and tertiary services. The patients will be selected for inclusion as they present to Oral Surgery, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Medicine and Special Care Dentistry services as part of their care at one of the data collection centres.
The data will include patient details, clinical history and examination findings, findings from investigations, treatment plan or treatment previously undertaken and outcomes. The data will be collected with written consent, input into dedicated online registry by clinician treating the patient and stored securely electronically. The data would be updated at each clinical visit as long as the patient does not withdraw consent. This data will held separately from the patients normal medical records and there will be no access to the patients medical records by the research team. The data includes sensitive data? patient name, date of birth, gender and patient identifying number. The data collected will not include any additional data out with that which is collected as part of the patients routine care. Please see link to data collection forms below for all details of detail included. There will different forms in use 1 - new diagnosis and new to database, 2 - existing diagnosis and new to the database.

Planned end date

09 Jan 2027 09:00